Thursday, March 22, 2012

Alter Table Row Size Error

I am trying to alter a table and getting the following error.
Server: Msg 1701, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Creation of table 'CustomerMaster' failed because the row size would be
8508, including internal overhead. This exceeds the maximum allowable table
row size, 8060.
I can create a new table with the same fields, but not alter an existing one
I have calculated the maximum row size as only 6004 after the changes. Here
is what I used to calculate.
69 columns
39 char fields (5816 total characters)
9 tinyint fields (size = 9 * 1 = 9)
4 int fields (size = 4 * 4 = 16)
5 datetime fields (size = 5 * 8 = 40)
12 decimal 19,5 fields (size = 12 * 9 = 108)
Num_Cols = 69
Fixed_Data_Size = 5989
Num_Var_Cols = 0
Max_Var_Size = 0
Null_Bitmap = 2 + ((69 + 7 ) / 8 = 11.5
Row_Size = 5981 + 0 + 11 + 4 = 6004> 39 char fields (5816 total characters)
What are the definitions of these columns? Are they

> 9 tinyint fields (size = 9 * 1 = 9)
> 4 int fields (size = 4 * 4 = 16)
> 5 datetime fields (size = 5 * 8 = 40)
> 12 decimal 19,5 fields (size = 12 * 9 = 108)
Are any of these NULLable?|||"Aaron Bertrand [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> What are the definitions of these columns? Are they
> CHAR/NCHAR/VARCHAR/NVARCHAR? What size? Are they NULLable?
> Are any of these NULLable?
39 CHAR fields
field length - field count
3 - 2
5 - 3
10 - 4
15 - 1
20 - 11
25 - 2
30 - 11
45 - 2
50 - 1
2000 - 1
3000 - 1
total characters = 5816
all fields are NULLABLE but one CHAR field (in my calculations I considered
all fields as nullable)|||"Aaron Bertrand [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> What are the definitions of these columns? Are they
> CHAR/NCHAR/VARCHAR/NVARCHAR? What size? Are they NULLable?
> Are any of these NULLable?
I used to
calculate my row size.|||Are you certain they're all CHAR and none are NCHAR or NVARCHAR? Can you
post the results of:
EXEC sp_help 'tablename';
Why would you have a CHAR(2000) or CHAR(3000)? Is every row always going to
be 3000 characters?
"Matt Soukup" <> wrote in message
> "Aaron Bertrand [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:
> 39 CHAR fields
> field length - field count
> 3 - 2
> 5 - 3
> 10 - 4
> 15 - 1
> 20 - 11
> 25 - 2
> 30 - 11
> 45 - 2
> 50 - 1
> 2000 - 1
> 3000 - 1
> total characters = 5816
> all fields are NULLABLE but one CHAR field (in my calculations I
> considered
> all fields as nullable)|||> I used to
> calculate my row size.
Yes, that's all fine and good. But if you wrote down CHAR(3000) when it's
actually NCHAR(3000), and used the former in your calculations, it doesn't
really matter how accurate the calculation is, the source input invalidates
it.|||"Aaron Bertrand [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> Yes, that's all fine and good. But if you wrote down CHAR(3000) when it's
> actually NCHAR(3000), and used the former in your calculations, it doesn't
> really matter how accurate the calculation is, the source input invalidate
> it.
all character fields are CHAR(####)
Nothing is NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, etc...
Here is a list of the fields:
Customer_Number char(20)
CUSTNMBR char(45)
VENDORID char(45)
Attn_Name char(30)
Contact_Name char(30)
ContactPhone char(20)
BusinessName char(30)
AddressLine1 char(30)
AddressLine2 char(30)
City char(25)
State char(3)
ZipCode char(10)
Phone char(20)
Fax char(20)
ICC_Number char(20)
FedID_Number char(15)
Contracted tinyint
Start_Date datetime
InsAgentName char(30)
InsAgentAddress1 char(30)
InsAgentAddress2 char(30)
InsAgentCity char(25)
InsAgentState char(3)
InsAgentZipCode char(10)
InsAgentPhone char(20)
InsAgentFax char(20)
InsAgentContact char(30)
CargoInsName char(28)
CargoInsAmount decimal(19, 5)
CargoInsExpirationDate datetime
AutoLibInsName char(30)
AutoLibInsAmount decimal(19, 5)
AutoLibInsExpirationDate datetime
Agent_YN tinyint
Broker_YN tinyint
Carrier_YN tinyint
Shipper_YN tinyint
Consignee_YN tinyint
BillTo_YN tinyint
CreatedDate datetime
CreatedUserID char(20)
Billing_Rate decimal(19, 5)
Billing_Rate_Code char(5)
Rating char(5)
Color char(20)
Flagged tinyint
FlagDate datetime
FlagUserID char(20)
FlagReason char(50)
Active tinyint
Notes char(3000)
PayCode char(5)
PayRateFlat decimal(19, 5)
PayRatePercent decimal(19, 5)
PayRateLoaded decimal(19, 5)
PayRateUnloaded decimal(19, 5)
DefaultSalesperson char(20)
Directions char(2000)
FSType char(10)
FSRateAmount decimal(19, 5)
Weight decimal(19, 5)
AgentPayAccount int
CarrierPayAccount int
DropPayAmount decimal(19, 5)
PickupPayAmount decimal(19, 5)
ISType char(10)
ISRateAmount decimal(19, 5)
Latitude int
Longitude int|||Sorry, but there is still information missing. I don't want to see your
compiled list of fields. Can you please copy and paste the result of:
EXEC sp_help 'CustomerMaster';
? Otherwise, I have no further input on this issue. The list of columns
you provided below can't possibly be 8508 bytes unless (a) the column you're
trying to add is a lot longer than you're letting on, (b) some of those data
types are not correct, or (c) you've left out some columns.

> all character fields are CHAR(####)
> Nothing is NCHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, etc...
> Here is a list of the fields:
> Customer_Number char(20)|||"Aaron Bertrand [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:

> Sorry, but there is still information missing. I don't want to see your
> compiled list of fields. Can you please copy and paste the result of:
> EXEC sp_help 'CustomerMaster';
> ? Otherwise, I have no further input on this issue. The list of column
> you provided below can't possibly be 8508 bytes unless (a) the column you'
> trying to add is a lot longer than you're letting on, (b) some of those da
> types are not correct, or (c) you've left out some columns.
Just forget it. SQL is being stupid.
This error is being posted when I try to ALTER TABLE CustomerMaster ALTER
COLUMN "ContactPhone" CHAR(20). Changing it from CHAR(10) to CHAR(20).
I can create this table from scratch with the columns/sizes I listed above.
The table is created with no problem. I have to up the size of one of my CHA
fields by 3000, change Directions from CHAR(2000) to CHAR(5000), to get the
CREATE TABLE to fail with the same error.|||> I can create this table from scratch with the columns/sizes I listed
> above.
> The table is created with no problem. I have to up the size of one of my
> fields by 3000, change Directions from CHAR(2000) to CHAR(5000), to get
> the
> CREATE TABLE to fail with the same error.
I also strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with the reasons we have
CHAR and VARCHAR. CHAR(2000) is not exactly a great choice here.

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